Civil Engineering (By Research)

All about Civil Engineering (By Research) program in Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL), like Intake date, Tuition fees, Scholarship, Faculty, Campus and etc.

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Civil Engineering (By Research)

English courses available
Qualification: Ph.D (Research based)


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Subject: Civil Engineering
Duration: 5 Years
Tuition Fee (Totally):


There is tuition fee in details on the page.

What will you learn?

Key Features

  • To provide students with flexibility in research and develop students’ intellectual ability in specialised areas of Civil Engineering.
  • To equip students with advanced knowledge, tools and techniques that will support their research capability and career development.
  • To expose students to the research frontier in various fields of specialisation in Civil Engineering

Learning/Research Methodology

  • The research project will be guided by an appointed supervisor.
  • Students will be required to attend seminars in their research area.
  • Students will be required to present and defend their research proposal at the end of their first quarter of study.
  • Students are required to submit monthly progress reports to their supervisors. Periodic consultations will be arranged as set by the supervisor.
  • Students are required to publish at least one paper in their research area in an international journal or present at a conference.
  • The Postgraduate Studies Committee will review the students’ performance on a quarterly basis.
  • Upon completion of their research, students will have to present and defend their thesis.

Research Areas

Construction Engineering

  • Construction of physical infrastructure design
  • Rural and low-cost housing
  • Small & medium industrial buildings

Geotechnical Engineering

  • Properties and behavior of soil and their application to design of foundation
  • Retaining structures, earth dams and slopes
  • Soil improvement and ground stabilization
  • Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering

Highway and Pavement Engineering

  • Transportation engineering and planning
  • Traffic flow theory
  • System management applicable to all modes with emphasis on highway and multimodal transportation

Structural Engineering

  • Earthquake resistant steel and concrete design applied to buildings and bridges
  • Structural dynamics
  • Structural mechanics
  • Finite element methods

Water Resources Engineering

  • Advanced hydraulics and modern hydrologic techniques
  • Flood forecasting
  • Groundwater flow modeling
  • Water resources management
  • Policy formulation


  • A Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering or relevant fields and recognized by Malaysian Government OR other qualifications approved by the Senate of IUKL
  • International Applicants are required to have a minimum score of TOEFL 550 OR IELTS 6.0 OR have attained a degree from a university where the medium of instruction is in English
PTE 36

Core areas of emphasis

Career prospects

After Ph.D, teaching is the most sought after profession. Apart from teaching, you can do post doctoral research, can do consultancy and/or address specific field issues. Many agencies like NHAI, NEERI, CBRI, CRRI are involved in research work. You can join in these institutions as a Jnr scientist.

Tuition Fees

Totally (USD) Yearly (USD)
$ 12817 $ 2563
$ 2563
$ 2563
$ 2563
$ 2563

Course Details:

Full Time: 3 – 6 years Part Time: 4 – 8 years

Campus (Main Campus)

Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

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