Summer Course

All about Summer Course program in INTI International University & Colleges, like Intake date, Tuition fees, Scholarship, Faculty, Campus and etc.

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Summer Course

English courses available
Faculty: American Transfer Degree Program
Qualification: English Course


3 (1)

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Subject: General Sciences
Duration: 1 Years
Tuition Fee (Totally):


There is tuition fee in details on the page.

What will you learn?

  • JOIN the nation’s best American Transfer Program
  • MEET new friends from Malaysia and other countries
  • FULFIL General Education requirements
  • OFFERS every Summer (May – July)

Offering more than 33 courses in:
Natural Sciences, Math, Computing, Business, Communication, Social Sciences and Humanities.


No Code Course Name (Credit Hour)
1 ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I (3)
2 ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II (3)
3 ACC 301 Finance (3)
4 ART105 Art Appreciation (3)
5 BIO 121 Principles of Biology I, Lab (4)
6 CHM 107 Chemistry & Society, Lab (4)
7 CHM 151 General Chemistry I, Lab (4)
8 CHM 152 General Chemistry II, Lab (4)
9 CHM 212 Organic Chemistry II, Lab (4)
10 COM 110 Essentials of Public Speaking (3)
11 COM 112 Intro to Mass Communication (3)
12 COM 211 Business Communication (3)
13 COM 212 Intro. To Interpersonal Communication (3)
14 CSC 101 Intro. To Computing & Info processing (3)
15 CSC 205 Intro to Discrete Structure (3)
16 ECO 151 Intro to Microeconomics (3)
17 ECO152 Intro to Macroeconomics (3)
18 ECO 303 International Trade (3)
19 EGR 210 Engineering Mechanics II – Dynamics, Lab (4)
20 ENL 101 English Composition I (3)
21 ENL 102 English Composition II (3)
22 HIS 251 United States History I (3)
23 LAW 301 Business Law I (3)
24 MAT 121 Concepts of Calculus (3)
25 MAT 132 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
26 MAT 133 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
27 MAT 232 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III, Lab (5)
28 MAT 242 Differential Equations (3)
29 MGT 301 Human Resources Management (3)
30 MGT 306 Business Management & Organization (3)
31 MKT 210 Principles of Marketing (3)
32 MPU3313 Entrepreneurship (3)
33 MPU 3412 Community Service (3)
34 MUS105 Music Appreciation (3)
35 PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
36 PHI 102 Introduction to Ethics (3)
37 PHY 151 College Physics (4)
38 PHY 211 General Physics I, Lab (4)
39 POL 101 Introduction to American Government (3)
40 PSY 105 General Psychology (3)
41 PSY 200 Social Psychology (3)
42 REL200 World Religion (3)
43 SOC 103 Sociological Perspectives (3)
44 STA 219 Statistical Methods, Lab (4)

* Courses offered are subject to change according to College’s discretion


  • Steps to joining Summer classes:
    • CHECK with your college advisor:
      • Are INTI courses you plan to take relevant and transferable?
      • If your college advisor needs our course SYLLABI, provide us their e-mail address. We will e-mail your advisor directly.
    • REGISTER with INTI
      • Online
      • or, Ask a family member/friend to register and enroll on your behalf.
    • PAY semester fees before the enrolment of courses
    • ENROL for classes
      • Enrolment for Summer 2017 opens tentatively on 17 April 2017
  • Necessary documents for registration at INTI:
    • Completed INTI Application Form
      • Paper form (obtained from INTI campus) or the attachment (scanned copy) in the email
      • When filling out the application form, under the 7. Programme Preference, in the Programme Applied category, please state whether you're ADTAS (science) or ADTA (Arts)
    • Registration fee: RM400
    • Deposit fee : RM 500 (Refundable)
    • Original Malaysian I.C. / Identity Card
    • Original High School Results: SPM / O'Levels / equivalent- Former students of INTI International College Subang do not need to submit this.
    • Official transcript from your overseas college or university IF you have done 2 or more semesters there.
    • 1 passport-sized recent photograph
    • If you are not an ex-INTI student, we will need your college transcripts e.g. from Taylors, Segi, KDU, Methodist College, etc.

    NOTE: Scanned copies are acceptable for registration. You are still required to bring original copies with you to INTI for verification.

  • All payments are to be made through bank draft, crossed cheque or banking transfer to INTI Instruments (M) Sdn Bhd and bank account of INTI as below:
    • HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad - 105-154371-101 - Swift code HBMBMYKL
    • Maybank Berhad - 5-12222-21252-7 - Swift code MBBEMYKL

    Proof of payment with student's name, IC no. and Tel no. must be scanned to Ms. Uma via e-mail.

Contact Information

Facebook Profile: "CAE IICS"
Uma Kandasamy, Program Officer

Core areas of emphasis

Career prospects

Malaysia Exposure Upgrade you Resume

Tuition Fees

Totally (USD) Yearly (USD)
$ 2000 $ 2000

Course Details:

Every Summer: May - July

Campus (Main Campus)

Persiaran Perdana BBN, Putra Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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